If you're new to copywriting, try several different fields before settling on one.There are differences among them in terms of characteristics, requirements, and styles. It's good to know the options so that, if you wish, you may choose and focus your expertise on one if you wish!
SEO Copywriting
Website Content, Blogs
It focuses on:
Besides creating high-quality texts, SEO Copywriting helps websites appear in search engines more frequently and at top positions by optimizing their visibility. Using specialized tools is essential for achieving the desired result, among other tactics.
Despite the fact that SEO Copywriting requires a great deal of study, work, and the ability to think logically, it is among the fastest growing and highest paying branches of the writing industry.
Technical Copywriting
Articles (In digital and printed form)
It focuses on:
There is a certain level of specialized knowledge required in technical copywriting. Pharmacies and IT companies, for example, will be looking for technical copywriters who will write blog posts and newsletters about new drugs and programs they are developing. In this industry, creativity is minimal (if any) and knowledge is imparted.
Researchers and technical experts who enjoy sharing research and technical information with readers will find it a great choice.
Creative Copywriting
Advertisements, Blogs, Branding
It focuses on:
Creative Copywriting is filled with creativity and imagination, as opposed to Technical Copywriting. A key part of this industry is being able to convey a story through your words, building personality into lifeless brands, and giving life to simple, everyday products. The goal of creative copywriting is to create an image or profile for your company.
Those who enjoy creativity, like to write freely, and take initiative, while maintaining the client's vision, will find it appealing.
Marketing Copywriting
Billboards, advertisements, emails
It focuses on:
For this branch of copywriting, a rich, marketing background is considered essential. Focusing on influencing the audience by addressing their needs without sounding like salespeople, marketing copywriters work on campaigns, advertisements, emails and billboards.
Είναι ιδανικό για όσους έχουν ένα ευρύ φάσμα γνώσεων στον τομέα του marketing.
How-to, blogs, newsletters, social media, σενάρια, billboards
It focuses on:
As a content writer, it's good to know which areas you have an affinity for so that you can choose the ones with the best (for you) topics. The purpose of a content writer is to write blogs, newsletters and more, which either convey information to the reader or their personal opinion. The goal is to be able to convert readers from one-time visitors to followers through his or her words.
It is ideal for those with a wide range of writing skills and for those who can incorporate elements of their personality into their writing.